The clubs policy is FAIR playing time. Before every season, the coaching staff for each team should provide a clear philosophy on playing time to players and parents. During the season, coaches should provide feedback to players and parents related to the amount of playing time. Coaches should be open to discussions around issues related to playing time with any player or parent.
The Technical Director (TD) is either an individual or organization responsible for guiding the development of players and coaches within the Club. The Technical Director also facilitates coaching development by providing game and training session analyses.
First, talk to your child's team manager or coach. Then, discuss with the team technical director. If the issue persists, contact the SWU Vice President or President via the contact us.
Express your interest by contacting our Technical Director, Tomasz Janas.
Yes. Southwest United Sports Club is a not for profit organization and fundraising at both the club and team level is mandatory to support the continued growth of the club and to provide teams with developmental opportunities.
Program fees for U5-U8 are refundable up until 14 days prior to the program start date. Program fees for U9-U17 are NON-REFUNDABLE. Prorated refunds for injured players may be given consideration with supporting medical documentation. All eligible fee refunds will be assessed a $10.00 (U5-U8) or $25.00 (U9-U17) administration fee.
Contact the SWU Administrator