At Southwest United we care about the safety and health of our athletes. Our coaches are keenly aware of the risks of the sport and are committed to doing everything they can to prevent injuries. While ankle sprains are the most common injury for soccer players, knee injuries are the most concerning. Young female players are nine times more likely to tear their ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) than boys. SWU teams regularly attend KneeFit , an acclaimed knee injury prevention program, and incorporate knee exercises into practices and warm-ups.
Because soccer players are also at risk for concussions, our coaches follow a strict protocol to ensure the long-term health of the player. We also supplement soccer training with sports performance training. These programs are aimed at improving strength, agility and mobility, and play an important role in injury prevention. As a club we are committed to promoting healthy lifestyles and reinforcing the importance of proper nutrition, hydration and rest. And speaking of rest, we are aware of the physical and psychological consequences of over-training. When athletes are physically and mentally exhausted, they greatly increase their risk of injuries and lose their passion for the game. For information about injuries, nutrition and sports medicine, visit our Sports Medicine Information resource page.