U5-U7 players (born in 2016-2018) will participate in our Grassroots program. Semesters are eight weeks long, with training running on Monday and Wednesday nights. The outdoor semester will start in mid October at the Turf Training Centre facilities.
Players born between 2015-2005 must complete an assessment or tryout prior to registering with one of our teams. Please complete a registration and our Administrator will contact you with details.
Additional high level training for U9 - U19 players who are not currently on a SWU team.
U5 to U7 players will participate in our Grassroots program. The next semester is eight weeks long and will start in early May. Players will train two nights a week on our fields at Ivor Dent Sports Park.
Tryout registration are open. U8 to U19 must complete an assessment or tryout prior to registering with one of our teams. Assessment for U8-11 (2017 to 2014) will start on March 3rd (schedule on home page), Tryouts for U12-19 (2012 to 2006) will start on March 17th (schedule on home page). Assessments and Tryouts will be held at TTC 4, 1030 34 Avenue, Nisku, or for some age group at Foote Field 11601 68 Avenue, Edmonton. Check the schedule on the home page in the website!